Pottery & Glass Seconds Sale
There are two types of Wranglers: Artist Wrangler and Line Wrangler
Artist wrangler:
Show up by 7:15.
Greet arriving artists as they drive in.
Help artists find their space as close to the next artist as they can. Obviously each artist's booth layout is different so different booths will need more/less space between booths.
Remind artists that we need them to unload their vehicle and go park their car on the next level down. There are two ramps leading to the lower level.
Assist in unloading their vehicles as needed.
Remind artists that they need to go to the ADMIN TABLE and fill out a self addressed envelope so we can mail their check.
All artists should be in their places and setting up by 9:00. There should be no vehicles left in the area.
Artist Wranglers may shop between 9:00 and 9:30 then report to the ADMIN TABLE at 9:30 SHARP for the staff meeting.
Line Wrangler:
Shift starts with staff meeting at 9:30. If you would like to shop, please come earlier.
Cashier Line Wrangler:
Your job is to keep the line moving.
Stand at the beginning of check out line and direct people to the next available cashier.
If there is someone at the front of the line who is "holding a place" for someone who is getting their tally sheet done, direct them to step outside the line and then when their partner arrives, they can go to the next available cashier.
Tag Team Tally Line Wranglers:
There a single line for the tally tables.
Wrangler 1 will stand in front of the tally tables and when they see a tally writer open up they will loudly call out the number to Wrangler 2 who will direct customers to the next open tally writer.
We want the line to move fast!