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Shift starts with the 9:30 staff meeting.

If you would like to shop before your shift, please come earlier.

Barbara is the Tally Lead. She'll be there to go over any last minute instructions.

Tally pages are how the artists get paid so clear handwriting and accurate math are vital.


There will be lines. You may feel like you need to hurry. You do not. Take all the time you need to be legible and accurate.

On your clipboard you’ll find:

  • List of artists by media and their price sticker information

  • 9% tax table

  • These instructions

  • scratch paper

Instructions for tally writers:

  • Greet each customer and GET THEIR PHONE NUMBER. Write it at the top of the tally sheet. this helps us track down any issues after the sale. If the customer declines, that's OK.

  • Ask them if they have any jewelry or slips from jewelers. Doing jewelry first helps make sure it’s not forgotten. Remind customers that they will need to show both the stamped tally slip and the jeweler's slip to pick up their jewelry.

  • Explain to them that you need to see everything by artist. Group items by artist on your table.

  • Make sure you have the cardboard flap in place under the yellow copy and that you’re using the next available receipt. Customer gets the YELLOW copy.

  • Write one line per artist and only put the total for all their pieces in the right column. 

  • Do not write in the QUANTITY or PRICE columns

  • If there is any question about the name on the price sticker, look it up on your list of artists. DO NOT GUESS. This is where most mistakes are made.

  • Only write the price sticker name on the slip. Do not write any other variation, such as the name from list of artists.

  • When tallying jewelry, DO NOT accidentally write customer name. This happens a lot.

  • Draw a line and add your column. Write down the subtotal under the line. Write SUBTOTAL to the left.

  • There are two ways to figure the tax: either use the calculator (subtotal times .09) or look it up on the tax table sheet.

  • Write TAX and the tax amount.

  • Draw another line underneath the tax and then add the subtotal and tax to get the total.

Photo of Receipt Tally Page.jpg

BOX HOLD If people will ask if they can store their box at your table, please direct them to the ADMIN table where we will hold their box.

ITEM WRAPPING We will have a table with newspaper available. We need to keep the tally lines moving as swiftly as possible so please direct them to the wrapping table.

GO BACKS Let Barbara, Mark or Chris know if you have something to go back to an artist or if the price isn't clear. Barbara, Mark and Chris will all have walki-talkies.

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